I hate to talk about the future, as I know it is something undetermined, and yet, I wonder, is it written in the strands of time? Is the future really undetermined, or is it really all set out for us to fulfill, and it is only seen as a mystery to us because the normal person can't see that far into the future to solve the mystery?
Many things in life are deemed inevitable. Many things aren't really as inevitable as some would suggest or perceive. Growing up and dying. Two of the only inevitable events or occurrences that really happen through life. All that matters is how you deal with them.
Going through the whole growing up and out into another realm of life is disheartening, exciting, and tiring. Who knew something could be so filled with so many different things?
I must admit, I am one of those who would be excited for high school reunions. I want to see how everyone has changed and grown up. See how they tackled the inevitable challenge. See who was overcome by the challenge, and who overcame it.
Sometimes, I feel dumb for dreaming. And yet, I feel comfort in those dreams full of fiction. Why must I be so dumb as to wish for things such as this. Even I, the Dreamer, do not fully know. Though, the lack of comprehending, may not be such a bad thing.