On again, off again. Getting back on, falling back off. And now, a perfect median that allows one to become comfortable with getting on.
And this allows me to be enjoying life, as usual, but just...in an easier way, I'd guess I could say.
Together, but not. Visible, yet unseen. Liked, but not. Ironically, the way things are fit me perfectly. I like things predictable, but not. Simple, yet complex.
Sadly, I can only think about how much I like him...love him...I don't know. I think one day I shall say those words to him.
Is it me, or has there been a shift in people? I see some who usually have a grasp on things, losing it, and those who I've missed, coming back to me, among other things. All in all, it is a positive thing, but as with all things, there is that shadow. With the positive, negative tails along.
Hopefully the sun is high in the sky, and the shadow is minuscule at best.
There will always be a shadow. Just don't let it overshadow what's important.