So Eric, Dan, and I are going to get a Valentine's Day Package together for Amanda and Josh. I have a couple of great ideas of things to put in for Josh, and I believe Dan and Eric will provide things for Amanda. It is going to be fun going shopping for the stuff tomorrow after school (and my tutoring for NHS). I wish I could reveal what I'd be getting for Josh on here, but this is online and you never know if he may stumble upon it and read it. Best not to take chances. I don't want my surprise to be ruined! Haha.
Times are changing for us all. I don't mind change. I adapt to it, even if I dislike or like the change that is occurring. It doesn't phase me. Nowadays, nothing phases me. I've grown used to life's disappoints, surprises - good or bad -, and everything else life throws at a person. I've gotten stuck in a rut that will allow me to get through the day without feeling many things. The pro, I get through the day easily and without much effort. The con, I don't get to experience life to the fullest each day. Not sure which one weighs on my conscience more. I don't care which one does either.
Ugh. I should be writing a paper, not a blog. Time to go do that.
What are you passionate about? Finding things you can devote yourself to might be a decent cure for the monotony that inevitably will become unbearable.