As reflecting on the present is concerned: I stated before I am a person made up of hypocrisy. That still remains, but I wish to lower the amount of hypocrisy held in me. I realized that I hate when people judge others, but I've been doing that recently. I don't judge my close friends. But, I did judge people trying to get to know me, or have done me wrong in the past. I decided to throw that up in the air and continue on, a clean slate now is what I hold, if you will. I attained that slate a week or so ago.
Josh and I don't talk now. He got angry with me because he was pushing me to tell him things a friend confided into me, which is against my morals, mind you. I told him so, and he said that the situation between he and his friend was more important that my morals and that I was being selfish or prideful for not telling him. I wished to stay out of the situation as much as possible. I felt that the situation was meant to be a private one between Josh and Amanda, not Josh, Amanda, and I. I will digress, I was in the situation just because she confided in me, but I wished to stay as close to the edge as possible. Josh was making that hard and I told him so, but he just continued saying I was selfish and that I needed to grow up. Then he said we shouldn't be friends and should stop talking. I laughed at the whole conversation between us because it was so immature. I attempted to take the high road, but Josh kept burning the bridges I needed to cross, until he finally burned the one between us. Life moves on though. The good in this situation, though the friendship between Josh and I didn't turn out quite as expected, I became good friends with Amanda. Everything happens for a reason.
And now I'm sick and it is snowing outside. Perfect combination, as school is canceled tomorrow. Now I can sit back and relax. Time to heal up. Throw a lesser heal upon me priest, please.
I hate it when people puah you to tell them something that you shouldn't or don't want to tell them. These people are just like people who try to nose around your business when it's none of their concern. Grrr!
ReplyDeleteUgh. Yes. I hate when people stick their nose where it doesn't belong.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Nic, but I'm going to have to disagree with you. I do think it's pretty selfish for you to have done that to Josh. Seeing as I've seen the text messages sent between you two, it seemed as if this tidbit of information was being dangled in front of Josh like a carrot on a string. Before Amanda filled you in on information regarding their affairs, it would have been wise of you to object from hearing this information. But no. You didn't. You put yourself in the middle, and had the nerve to tell Josh that you knew something, but it was against your morals to tell him. If I were you, I would have kept my mouth shut to begin with. If anything, Josh was being the rational one, with the understanding that you were basically being a dick for no reason. Witholding information that was detrimental to their friendship was, in my opinion, very selfish.
ReplyDeleteSee it as you may, though. You seem to be over the situation, as is Josh. So hopefully now, we can both move on with our lives and forget this bump in the road ever happened.