So for the past few days I've been waking up, getting ready for the day, and then going to work until 10 PM. Such a fulfilling day. Afterwards I'll hang with Eric, Dan, or whoever else just happens to be at Eric's house until 2 AM. Then I just come on home, fall asleep, and start all over. Thankfully, today is the last day I work for the rest of the week. I wish I didn't have to work at a damn Dunkin' Donuts. I really want to work retail, or really, anything in the mall. Basically, not with food. Except maybe waitering. Ha.
I'm hoping to work with Bonnie over the summer, if I can get a job at the Veggie Stand with her.
Now, tomorrow is Dan's New Years party. I think I'm going early to help set up. Or in the very least, make a music playlist. God knows I have enough techno/club mixes to help with that. Haha. It should be fun...and interesting to say the least. A bunch of people, expected and unexpected, are staying the night, so yet again, I'll be thrown out of my comfort zone. Good. I need more of that! I love a challenge.
To celebrate a beginning of a New Year; This year, to celebrate the beginning of both a New Year and the starting of a new Life.
Have fun at the party :D I think I will just stay home to avoid the traffic.