I wish I could go anywhere, anytime. Who doesn't at one point or another though?
Josh broke up with Drew. Talks to me more now though. And I'm incredibly happy about it. I mean, I missed talking with him so much. And, the fallout of communication made me realize how much I really do like him. As that cliche, yet so true, saying goes, "You don't know what you have until it is gone." I knew I liked Josh, but I never realize how much I did until the communication became close to null. I like him much more than I've ever liked anyone before. It is nice. Now, I must say, even though the length of my four-year college is depressing, I'm also glad for the length. It allows me the time to realize what I want, gives him time to think about the same, and it allows us to still talk and get to know one another even more so. It is like, "dating" for a lengthy period. You know? I like to look at the positive in all situations.
Today, Eric and I went to the mall. As usual, I spent a lot on clothing. Thankfully, I don't do it much. I did however, see the sweatshirt I ordered online in person in Buckle. I love it! I can't wait for Monday, which is when it arrives at my home. Eric is so funny when he goes clothing shopping, and he brings me along to help him decide which "looks good" or not. I am so jealous of his awesome find! We found him an awesome jacket from Metro Park that I wish was in my size or I would've gotten it in a heartbeat. But, it looks really good on him so I'm glad he found it in his size.
Tonight, I hung out with Olivia. I haven't done that in who knows how long. At first it started with just hanging out and playing Kingdom Hearts II, and then we just paused the game and talked for a couple hours. It was nice. I should hang out with her more often.
"But I don't even know your name, so I will call you medicine.
You can ease my pain."
-Kim Leoni, Medicine