Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Day Full of Riches

Today has been one of the best days I've had in a while. For many reasons, not just one.

First off, I was able to hang with Bonnie. I miss hanging out with her. I had a lot of fun hanging out with her! Going to the mall just because we can, or just sitting around and doing nothing, but liking one another's company. That was always fun. Plus, whenever I hang out with her, I learn that my car rear view mirror has a "night vision" mode. I was like, "NUH UH!" Now I can drive without car lights blaring into my eyes! I won't swerve at night now. Score. Kudos to Bonnie! She may have indirectly saved my life now, with enlightening me as she did. Haha.

Now, secondly, I stepped way out of my comfort zone. Bonnie and I went to the mall to meet up with Marcus, someone who I barely knew. He wanted to meet up and hang at the mall, so I was game. I was really nervous. I barely knew the guy, I become clammed up when I meet someone new, and it makes me incredibly anxious. But, thankfully Bonnie was there to help me out.

It was odd at first, because first off, I am seventeen and Marcus is twenty seven. Creeper alert? Well, yes. That is one of the reasons why Bonnie came along. But, he was actually incredibly cool. He goes to Cons, likes anime, video games, and things like I do! And he is pretty awesome, not to mention cute. Not to be racist of any sort, but I am not usually romantically attracted to black men (which Marcus is), but I found him to be cute. Now, if only he wasn't ten years older than me! Damn!

We walked around the mall, had fun, and got to know one another. I planned to only stay there for an hour, but we ended up staying there for two. That suprised me...because it meant that I lost track of time, which leads into the fact that I was enjoying myself. It was nice! He wants to hang again sometime, which I would like. He said that if Bonnie and I go to Katsucon, we are definitely invited to his hotel party. Oh my. How much fun would that be?!

Though, I must admit, even though Bonnie was late in to getting home (which I do feel bad about allowing to occur), I did enjoy that I was able to spend more time with her...even if she was late.

Oh yes. I found another quote I like from The Portrait of a Lady. I think I shall start making a book of quotes I like for myself.

"I call people rich when they are able to gratify their imagination."

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