Life has surprises around every corner. Personally, I hate surprises. But Life's surprises are so enjoyable, how can I hate them?
People: One of the most complex organisms, anatomy and mentally wise. Josh broke up with Drew last night, because Josh felt the "friend" connection more so than a "romantic" connection. Now, since Drew is gone, Josh calls me and talks to me and says how much he missed talking to me. Honestly, I did miss talking to him too. I allow myself to be used. Why? Because it brings me happiness. If I'm happy, then I don't doubt that being used is the bad decision. Honestly, I guess I don't see myself as being "used" per say, since both of us use one another. We talk to one another to be happy. If we use each other for happiness, and both parties are happy, what is the problem?
Now, I like another guy as well. He is cute, shorter than me (Score!), and though he can be an ass, he is funny and I like that. How much do I like him, you wonder. Now, that, I wonder as well, as I am not sure myself.
I guess I'll let Life pelt me in the face with another surprise that will hopefully feed me the answer to that.
I get to meet a lot of people I will spending my life in college with Feb. 6th. Exciting? Very. Nerve wracking? Even more so. Loving it? Always.
I don't think it's called "being used" if that's the case. I would see that more as a chance to grow closer to him, which it sounds like you both need. But the new guy might be worth a shot! You just have to put up with the ass-ness...I have to do that with my bf too.
ReplyDeleteI have a love-hate relationship with surprises. It's hard to explain but that's just the way it is. LOL.
ReplyDeleteNow back to your main topic about being used, it's not really a problem if you don't mind it. However, letting yourself to be used by somebody is actually a bad thing. It will only bring you temporary or superficial happiness. Once the joy wears out, you will hate yourself for that. Also, it doesn't do your esteem any good.
Allowing people to use you is like giving yourself a slap in the face and say that you are not worthy of anything better.
It's good to be friends but know where to draw the line too. Most people will only take you for granted, not appreciate the good things that you have done to/for them.