I realize it may seem that I have my life planned out, or rather, the next decade or so. But really, I don't. I have wishes for how I want it to turn out, but really, it may not happen or it may. Either way, I adapt to it. That is how I am.
I am going to go to Drexel, major in Digital Media, minor in Japanese, and then we'll see how it goes from there. From there, I am split. I'd love to go Seattle and get a nice artist loft, or a full out apartment with a good job that I love. But, I'd also love to sign up for that program which I would go to Japan for a year to help teach English. Right now...I think I'd go with the Japan option. You live life only once, so why not do what you love and fulfill your dreams?
I live life by the day, soak it all in and the such. I like it that way. I don't focus on the depressing past, and I don't focus on the anxiety filled future. Just take one step at a time while smelling the flowers.
And I will admit, they smell quite nice.
I used to worry a lot but not anymore. Now I am just living my life in the present. After being involved with somebody who's constantly dwelling in the past and worry about the future but unable to be happy or content with his present, I find it to be too depressing and vowed to not do what he is doing.